Diagnosis and Management of Cerebral Visual Impairment - COPE 89440-NO (1 HRS)
CourseExpires 2027-01-23, Activity ID 127946, COPE 89440-NO (1 Hour) This course provides background information on cerebral visual impairment (CVI), as well as a template for the diagnosis and management of CVI. Etiology, effects on the visual pathway...
Visual Snow Syndrome - COPE 88622-NO (1 HRS)
CourseExpires 2026-12-04, Activity ID 127476, COPE 88622-NO (1 Hour) Visual snow syndrome is an important medical/neuro-optometric condition of increasing recognition with an estimated prevalence of 2%. It is not extremely rare as was believed years ago...
Indirect Traumatic Optic Neuropathy (ITON) - COPE 82920-NO (1 HRS)
CourseExpires 2026-02-10, Activity ID 125780, COPE 82920-NO (1 Hour) Indirect traumatic optic neuropathy is a condition that is not well understood. Patient outcomes range from minimal reduction of vision to frank blindness. This hampers efforts to ...
The Role of Fixational Eye Movements as a Biomarker for Neurologic Disease - COPE 82079-NO (1 Hours)
CourseExpires 2025-04-25, Activity ID 125303, COPE 82079-NO (1 Hours) We spend 80% of our lives fixating our gaze on the world around us and yet we have barely tapped into the scientific understanding of fixational eye movements (FEMs) and their role in fu